Bay Retriever

S2 9.2C #146

As of 2024-05-03 20:37:50:

Depth 9.6 Winds 124 at 12 gusting to 0

Last high tide 9.1 feet at 2024-05-03 17:36:51, low tide 6.7 feet at 2024-05-03 17:26:50

Bay Retriever takes first!!

Racing Results
Offshore races

Racing Results

Member, CBYRA, PHRF of the Chesapeake Bay, US Sailing

Primary club: BCYA

Sail No. 93253

PHRF Rating 198 (S2 9.2C SSAS RF)

Interested in crewing for Bay Retriever Racing?  Click here!

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2020-08-26 Bay Retriever takes first!

On another light air night, racing against a mixed fleet of mostly lighter boats, Bay Retriever took first place, beating the 2nd through 4th place boats by less than 12 seconds! With the win, Bay Retriever secured 3rd out of 9 boats for the 2nd Covid series.

2020-08-22 Bay Retriever takes 3rd in light air slog!

In an 11 mile bay race with average wind speeds of less than 5 knots, and a foul current of up to a knot, Bay Retriever excelled downwind, taking 3rd out of 8, beating out the 4th place boat by 8 seconds, and finishing less than 4 minutes out of second in a 4 hour race.

2020-06-24 Bay Retriever takes 3rd on a beautiful light air night!

On a beautiful evening with 8-10 knots of wind, and despite a late start, Bay Retriever clawed her way to the front of the pack, passing and walking away from faster boats to cross the line second in class, but correcting to third.

2020-06-03 Bay Retriever returns to heavy weather sailing with a shorthanded crew

Despite being heavily overcanvassed with a full main and #1 in 15-20 knots of wind, Bay Retriever managed 8th/12 overall, 5/5 in class with a crew of two, including two 360s by an inattentive skipper. We had good boat speed and are working on improved plans for boathandling during tacks.

Overall though it was fun getting out and bouncing around agin!

2020-05-27 Bay Retriever returns to racing with a solid finish!

Bay Retriever returned to racing for the first time since '14, setting sail on a beautiful May evening in 5-10 knots for a short ~3 mile race.

In the Nonspin B class, we tied for 3th out of 5, 7th out of 12 overall for the course - a great start for shaking the rust off and starting to learn the currents/wind patterns in a new area!

2nd place finisher Put-In-Bay finished behind us, but corrected over us on handicap

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